Friday, 5 March 2010

Thoughts on my game

Havent really played that much this week, I did Monday Tuesday and dropped about 4 buyins over 6k hands, adding this to the poor month last month has made me question my game and think how I can improve things – I have come up with 3 problems.

Lack of Schedule / Plan

I just tend to play whenever with no real plan, I play when my daughter is running around wanting my attention, I play when my wife is sitting with me watching TV but wanting some kind of interaction – at these times I am 16 tabling with headphones on and it upsets them, or if they interrupt me I get upset!!

No more of that! I will not play big multitabling sessions when my daughter is up and I will play less on certain evenings so the mrs is kept sweet, the plan is to now play a couple of late night sessions when she goes to bed 10pm – 2am ish, hopefully the games are softer then? Can anyone comment?

Im gonna aim for 40k hands a month so basically I will plan for 10 hours a week which will fit around my family life.

Improper Use of HUD

I have a hud but all I use it for is peoples VP… I don’t use the resources available like 3bet 4bet, check raise etc. one of the guys on Raise The River has sent me his HUD layout and im gonna look into using it properly

I Need to Fold!!

I have been stacked too many times this year, a lot of times it looks like an easy fold, what im planning to do is analysis every hands that I have lost $15+ on see if I can identify leaks and in future not make the same mistake!! Ill probably put them as a blog post so you can comment to and give me you help!!

Bankroll is $850 due to a small $60 withdrawal and off course the losses, Rakeback due today and a late night Friday session planned!

Late night session over already, just won 4 buyins in 1.5k hands and im feeling a bit tired so probably best to bank the win instead of playing later when im tired?

rakeback was $50+ so bankroll back in the safezone - $1008

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