Sunday, 21 March 2010

Drunk Setback

Damn played a home game with the lads last night, real cheap £1 rebuy game.... even cheaper when i didnt have to rebuy and was in for £6..i eventually finished 3rd for £11 - sick life... the bloke who won rebrought 16 times and when he had a straight flush against my nut (i thought) flush he only called my big raise - saying he didnt know what to do and that he didnt want to ruin the hand! lol he eventually busted me calling a shove of 15bbs with jack queen and binking to jacks on the flop.

anyways the fun started then, i played a little poker online drunk as they were playing the headsup...i figured i would just quit when they finished.

did i fuck... i lost minimum $115 probably more as i closed the screen down as i called a shove with a straight draw on the flop.. lucky this sobered me up as i just closed the laptop and then went to fact i reckon i did close to $200, will redopsit a tiny bit to get to $900 and grind that up.... a setback indeed.. twice this year already and its only mid March.. lucky my profits have been real good but i cant sustain this happening again

bankroll $900


Dan H said...

I once had a seemingly nut flush busted by a straight flush. I didn't play again for almomst 2 years.

Daly said...

lol one of my previous posts saw me check raise my mum playing some limit holde'em with an ace flush... after the raises were capped at 4 i realised shed held a straight flush!