Thursday, 30 July 2009

Bronze Iron Man - Possible at microstakes

forgot to mention this but the day after i went near busto i logged onto full tilt and checked my iron man status, i new i was near reaching the bronze level which is achived by earning 50ftps a day over 25 days.

as i signed into the screen i was praying to god i had already reached the goal, but alas i was 1 day out.

on a normal day with a normal bankroll 50 full tilt points is easily earned with a couple of hours of play, probably indeed only an hour 6 tabling 25nl.

with $55 i wasnt certain that i could earn 50 ftps at all, throughout the day i played 5nl, $2 heads up STT's, limit poker and i think i earnt about 20 points over a couple of hours! searching the net i read somewhere that if you mutiltable 10nl it should take 1.5 hours to earn 50 ftp.

so with my whole bankroll on 5 tables in grinded away, checking my FTP status every 5minutes and im glad to say i am now a bronze iron man!

i have opted for the medals instead of the freerolls and hopefully wil be able to use the multitabling cash tables method to earn my 50 points a day over the upcoming months.

apparently with medals you can buy cash bonuses and they also do year end bonuses where a broonze medal is worth $25 for each month you have earnt it.

if anyone knows the exact worth of these let me know in the comments!


dD said...

welcome to rTr .... booze'n'poker do not mix well. took me years to figure that one out :( but i had great fun findin out :)

now doin my own grind ..... link me up fish, please :)



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